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Interview with Your Kinky Friends!

This last Tuesday, February 5, I had the pleasure of doing a live online video interview with Nicholas Tanek, author of Your Kinky Friends (soon to be reviewed), The Coolest Way to Kill Yourself, and Chipped Black Nail Polish. Nicholas is the host of the YOUR KINKY FRIENDS (or "YKF") community which features interviews, articles, a chat group, and a podcast. Some of my friends and respected colleagues have recently been interviewed by Nicholas, so I was very excited to do this interview. For those of you who missed it, you can watch it below. You get to learn a bit more about me as well as hear my thoughts of foot worship, fire play, books, and some of my favorite things.

Be sure to check out YOUR KINKY FRIENDS where you can learn more about the kink community, our work, and different creators. You can also follow YKF on Twitter, join their group on Facebook, or chat on Discord.

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